
FAQ: Speech-Language Therapy

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when to seek support?

Check these developmental communication milestones, do not “wait-and-see” if your child is not meeting milestones. Evaluation may be recommended to determine proactively what steps can be accomplished now, as many more skills will soon also be expected with age! A family history of speech difficulties, language delays, language impairment, and/or learning disorders can also place a child at-risk for similar communication difficulties. Further, if a child (or parent) is frustrated in moments surrounding communication that likely indicates they need support!

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What are your rates?

Speech Therapy can be arranged as follows:

Complimentary screening, discussion of next steps $0

(1 time, 1-hour initial evaluation): $155

60-minute speech therapy session: $75

30-minute speech therapy session: $38

Services are self-pay, I do not bill medical insurance. A written evaluation report including the child’s evaluation scores, a summary with clinical impression, and a list of goals to work toward is included with evaluation.

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Is online therapy comparable to in-person?

.Yes, virtual therapy is an interactive, convenient, and safe option with equivalent, quality, instruction.

The preparation that goes into each session, content, and strategies and support are the same quality as what would be provided face-to-face. Movement activities, props and manipulatives, toys, and a variety of different virtual communication materials are encouraged and used. Although some activities may be displayed on screen we are not limited to only screen-based tasks-there is flexibility to move around and use various items from around the home for hands-on learning.

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How long will my child need therapy?

Children progress at different rates, some factors include consistency/attendance, review of concepts/practice outside of sessions, child's own unique learning profile including learning speed and memory, or motor skills and coordination for speech.

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How frequent, and how long are therapy sessions?

Frequency and duration are based on your child's individual needs. Sessions may typically be provided one to two times weekly for 30 or 60 minutes at a time.

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what technology/equipment will i need?

Connection to high-speed internet and a device capable with "Zoom": such as a computer, laptop, iPad/tablet, or smartphone with working audio/video capabilities.

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My child is hesitant to talk to new people, whaT if they do not participate or like therapy, can you reassure me?

I'm very mindful that right now communication is likely quite stressful for your child. I'm aware that any task that seems like "testing" may be non-preferred or avoided. Special care is taken to help your child feel comfortable in all tasks. I aim to reduce pressure surrounding speech and increase confidence. I reinforce effort versus accuracy and will keep sessions motivating by using high-interest topics, virtual games for reinforcement, and items related to tasks/topics from one another’s homes. Every session is personalized to your child and tasks are modified to provide the level of support needed for your child -with my support your child should feel successful (therapy should not feel stressful!)

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can my child receive speech therapy at school too?

Decisions regarding support services in a school setting are based on processes set up by your child’s school or school district. Speech goals in school must be educationally relevant and impact the child’s participation in the classroom. Private therapy looks at how communication delay impacts a child’s daily life and whether they are communicating age-expectedly based on developmental norms. Many children do receive both private therapy and therapy during the school day which may lead to quicker progress. However, just because a child qualifies for therapy privately it does not mean they will also qualify in a school setting as the criteria may be different.

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What speech-language disorders do you treat?

Speech articulation delay/disorder

Childhood apraxia of speech

Expressive and/or Receptive Language delay/disorder

Early Intervention/Late-Talking

Speech Fluency/Stuttering

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What is a typical therapy session like?

During initial session(s) the student and I build rapport while completing dynamic screening/assessment measures to determine what communication skills are relative strengths vs. what areas of communication need support.

If speech articulation is a concern, then the child will be asked to label pictures in order to reveal patterns of sounds used correctly vs. incorrectly.

A custom plan is formed based on your child's present level and areas of need. Session to session tasks build upon your child's strengths and new concepts are introduced following a developmental sequence.

Activities are individualized to include topics, games, or toys motivating to your child.

Frequently we may use cartoon games where you find things on the screen, feed virtual animals, respond to virtual books, or complete game like or “make-it” activities with virtual flash cards in-between trials.

Depending on the child’s age a parent can be nearby to facilitate, or the parent can meet with the therapist at the end of the session to review highlights of the session and understand what practice is recommended for the week.